Success Stories

Reece Morrow

By 20th February 2020October 7th, 2020No Comments

Reece Morrow

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: October 2019
Job Before: Customer Service Assistant
Current role: Service Desk Analyst @ Computershare

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I had been working in retail for a while and was looking for a change. IT has always interested me and this was the perfect course for me to transition into the field.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

The content of the course was very thorough and provided me with a wide knowledge of many IT processes. I enjoyed the LiveLabs most as they let me practice real situations that I find myself in now with my current role.

What's your current role like?

In my new role I provide IT support for a large financial company with offices around the world, being first point of contact with their employees to resolve any IT issues they may have. It is fast paced, challenging but thoroughly rewarding. I am excited by the many opportunities for my future.
