Success Stories

Joshua Sweeney

By 14th February 2020July 14th, 2020No Comments

Joshua Sweeney

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: April 2019
Job Before: Bar Staff
Current role: PC Build Engineer @ Element Materials Technology

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I’ve always enjoyed messing about with computers and was tired of jumping between bar jobs so was eventually convinced by my girlfriend to take the plunge and pursue making my hobby my career.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

 The lab environments were a great way of introducing someone to  the business side of IT and I enjoyed being able to mess about in a closed environment with no worry of breaking anything.

What's your current role like?

My current role involves configuring laptops and desktops for new hires in the company and the occasional software troubleshooting. It’s a very busy role that has me communicating with members of staff all across the world.