Success Stories

Jamie Barton

By 16th September 2020October 7th, 2020No Comments

Jamie Barton

Course: Cyber Security Traineeship
Placement Date: August 2020
Job Before: Regional Manager
Current role: Systems Support Engineer @ Simply Conveyancing

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I had become disillusioned in a middle management role and was looking for a career change to something more technical and hands on. I saw the course advertised and it ticked all the boxes for me.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

The freedom to learn at my own pace was one of the main advantages of the Traineeship, if I felt I needed more time on a particular topic then I could easily go back and rewatch the videos. I found the content engaging, well structured, and easy to take on board.

What's your current role like?

As a system support engineer I get all sorts of problems that I need to get to the bottom of, but I love the problem solving element. The work focuses mainly on internal customers which I enjoy, It’s a lot to take in at times but being thrown in the deep end is the best way to learn.