Matt Fulbright

By Success Stories

Matt Fulbright

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: August 2019
Job Before: Teaching Assistant
Job Now: Service Desk Analyst @ Octopus Labs

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I’ve always enjoyed playing with and working on computers. Whether it was optimising my own personal laptop in order to play the latest games, or troubleshooting my co-workers IT issues as a way to generate goodwill. I was dissatisfied with the pay and the quality of life a career in education was giving me, as well as the lack of advancement opportunity the field provided, so I decided to apply my efforts towards pursuing a career in technology.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

The best part of the traineeship was the ability to set my own schedule. Often, I would come home from working at school utterly exhausted and would only be able to muster an hour or two of studying. Although it took me nine months to complete the package and be placed into a role it never adversely affected my social or family life. The live labs were also a very valuable way to mess about without fear of breaking anything, or angering an employer.

What's your current role like?

In a word: Brilliant. Octopus is a forward-thinking company who is keen to promote internally along flexible career pathways. They were interested in my CV because of the CV-rebuild and my background in customer service.  I wouldn’t have been able to pass the interview stage without the knowledge I gained from the Traineeship (I distinctly remember being asked in my first interview what DHCP stood for, and I easily chirped “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol!”). I see myself still working for and advancing within Octopus over the next five years.  

Martyn Jarrett

By Success Stories

Martyn Jarrett

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: January 2019
Job Before: Teaching Assistant
Current Role: IT Technician @ NHS Medway Hospital

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I started the IT Technician Traineeship because I didn’t enjoy working in education and IT seemed like a viable option as it’s always been a hobby of mine.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

The livelabs were really good as it gave me a change to actually get some practice in. The IT Tutor Leigh was also really supportive throughout and so was the whole team.

What's your current role like?

It’s a very fast paced as working for the NHS there is a lot of end users the our IT department have to manage on a daily basis. Although it can be stressful at times (especially when systems go down) i’m really enjoying it and the team i work with.

Ronald Bagay

By Success Stories

Ronald Bagay

Course: IT Technician Traineeship
Placement Date: September 2019
Job Before: Sterile Operative
Job Now: ICT Support Engineer @ claireLOGIC

Why did you start the Traineeship?

I started the traineeship to continue learning and get me back to what I love to do. It is the beginning of another journey in the IT industry.

What did you enjoy most about the Traineeship?

The best part of the traineeship is the live Labs! I don’t have to setup up my own lab environment for the lab exercises. A step-by-step guide was also provided for each task.

What's your current role like?

Challenging but fun! The role keeps me on my toes as I support a wide range of IT infrastructure, computer hardware, software, systems and networks. I’m learning while working.